Sunday, September 27, 2009

3rd Topic: The Musical Age

My favorite band is Rage Against the Machine. They can create loud and rhythmistic devices to entertain any rock audience. I just love their songs. They're kind of heavy metal and rap combined. I think my favorite RATM song is 'Wake Up,' it's got a wonderful tempo and rock feeling to get up and rock out like a maniac. I first heard it from the film 'The Matrix,' and I could not get enough of it.

Now, I have to say, film class is going pretty well. Let me tell you something funny: Last time I went to Intro to Media Tech, I went to first lunch since it was an A Day, but then, when I got there, I realized that the teacher decided to let us have last lunch for that one day, so I missed much of class that day. So the bad news: I missed class, but the good news: I didn't miss the point where we started filming our movie trailers, and I got to have lunch a second time.

I found a blog from Eliana Atia of Ms. Hollrah's 8th period, and it talks about how she is doing fine in all her classes except for math, which seems to drive her nuts; it always has. Now, I have not had many problems with math before, but it is getting harder for me too. Another from Adam Poole of Ms. Hollrah's, he states that he is loving school right now, because there is so much to learn.

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