Thursday, April 22, 2010

Topic 6: Overpopulation Issues

Countries like China and India have been overloaded with people, making the population ridiculously large. Because of this, there has been a miserable sight of children working in small stores and people sleeping on streets. In India, the law has provided the request that adults may give birth to a maximum of only one baby in order to maintain ability to control the population. If America was overloading with population and homelessness grew, we may create large architecture to provide those in need with homeless shelters and give them education and work provision.

My life at Anderson is going fine; I've got an important book project coming up soon. I also have to write a screenplay for Intro to Media Tech soon.

Heath Eiland says that communication today will be worthless by 50 years later's standards and believes it's very important that people remember the past. Jack Foster has also enjoyed his spring break in St. Louis.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Time Capsule: Future for History (Topic 5)

If I were to put an item in a time capsule, I would put in a possession of a historic person. Then, if a large population forgot the history of the person, they'd realize what the significance of the person meant to the people who lived in the twenty-first century.

My life in Anderson has been sometimes been stressful, because I had an important project to finish. But aside from that, it's been pretty sweet and normal.

Mark Squier of Ms. Hollrah's class has been enjoying the summer weather and is looking forward to the vacation. Also, Sarah Money has been missing her friend who has moved away.